Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Artist Statement

     My work is about lipsticks and it shows a range of colors and I shot the pictures in the same location.  I choose the subject theme because I really like lipstick and that I knew they were all the same brand and looked the same except the actual colors of the lipsticks.  Also because after high school I am going to cosmetology school and makeup is my passion.  I was able to achieve my subject theme by all the pictures having the same lighting and looking relatively close to each other.  I edited in photoshop by making the level and curves work all together with the four pictures and then combining the 4 layers onto one 8X10 so they all match up with each other.  The strongest image is the purple lipstick one because it is the brightest lipstick and has the most contrast compared the the other ones.  The weakest image is the nude lipstick because it is opposite of the purple and is the dullest.  I would change nothing about my work if I was to do this again, I am really happy with how the finished photo came out.  


Monday, January 12, 2015


      The strongest aspect of my work was the location I chose to take my pictures which was the staircase in my house.  Also I think that my layers lined up rely well with each other and they over lapped right on top of each other.  The aspect of my work I can improve on is the color of my pictures because they turned out a little yellow and weren't that bright because I took them in bad lightening.  I would fix it by fixing the lightening in my house because no matter what I did on photoshop the brightness and colorization couldn't be fixed. 
     The easy thing about this activity was coloring the dog in in photoshop when you got the layers lined up.  The difficult about this was taking the pictures of my dog because he wouldn't listen or stay still on the stairs.  It was also difficult to edit and make all different layers in photoshop.  
     I demonstrated the objective in the layers project by creating multiple pictures of my dog on the one staircase and made it look like he was running down the stairs.  If I could do this again the only thing I would do differently was the lighting because there was no way I could fix it on photoshop because it was so bad and yellow.


     The strongest aspect of my work was the rope where I made the rope really clear and then the background which was the window blurry.  The objective was to make the front or the back focused and then the opposite to be blurry.  In the rope picture I think I achieved that by having the front focused and the back blurry.  The aspect of my work that can be improved on is making it more focused and clearer.  
     The easy part about this art activity was the actual picture taking and then developing it.  The difficult part was choosing the picture on the role that was most focused or most blurry.  Also, the part where you had to develop was difficult because of the test strips and trial and error.
     I demonstrated the objective by creating depth of field.  In my second picture the background was focused while the fence that was in front was blurry.  If I could do this art activity again I would try to have my images be focused in more and be more crisper.  Thats the thing that I would do differently if I could do this project over.